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Beholding His Glory
God has done all things by His Word therefore the main ministry of a New Testament Church is the ministry of the Word of Christ. We have been commanded to teach all things that Christ commanded (Matthew 28:20). This Word shows us the glory of God in the face of the Messiah Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:18). His Word changes His people into the Image of Christ Jesus.
Therefore, a major emphasis of our church is the proclamation and teaching of the Scriptures. We tend to preach book series, verse-by-verse. We have a large library of archived messages that comprise much of the New Testament. As we understand the books of our Bible, it changes our mindset to understand the various situations of life. Book series are intermixed with topical studies.
The Lord Jesus desires all true believers to be conformed into His Image, thereby displaying His pre-eminence and Spirit in this dark world. This occurs by the proclamation, sight, persuasion, and confession of Christ Jesus and His Word. The living Word and the written Word are one.
New Covenant Baptist Church
6801 Iron Bridge Road
North Chesterfield, VA 23234
(804) 921-0287